my previous post was joyous, happy, so so so vulnerable to this idea of love. but i sit here after this just bizarre day. and i ask myself. what is love. and i know i talked about scripture and what the Bible says about love and on that day, i believed every word of it. i felt like this's going to be good. going to be amazing. and then it's exactly what i hoped it wouldn't be. is that a sign?
you know, we ask God for signs. to help guide us through life. help us make that tough decision. show us what to do God. show us the ways of our lives..take us through your plan God.
we say these things on a daily basis...but how often to we stop and wait for an answer? how often do we spit out our daily demands and requests but then close the door and walk away?
i know i walk away. and i'm struggling these days because, my heart and mind...tell me the right decision. i ask God for the answers. i read my Bible for the answers. but i don't listen. i don't wait and listen for God's answer.
i had a picture in my head of how today would go. how the conversation would go. how it would end. most of me prayed and hoped it would go the way i thought. but what's that saying?
"if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans"
well i bet i put Him in a fit of laughter today.
this day could not have gone more in the direction i was afraid of.
staying vs. walking away.
i'm at this debate and crossroads now of not giving up but not settling either. i don't know what to do. i know i have to pray about it. and i have to LISTEN to the answers. that's my point of the day.
i'm at this debate and crossroads now of not giving up but not settling either. i don't know what to do. i know i have to pray about it. and i have to LISTEN to the answers. that's my point of the day.
the more we stop and listen, the better off we will be in our lives.
to give up or not to give up? love means not giving up. but when is enough...enough?
AH the questions of my life. if only i didn't over think every little detail...i'd probably be way less stressed out.
anyways folks. lesson of the day. LISTEN. when you're asking God for help, be sure you're on the other end, listening to His answers!
bless you all, have a lovely day :)
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