Wednesday, February 19, 2014

because it's been a while

so I haven't posted anything in a few days because I've been so busy! school is quite draining this semester. 
but this weekend I'm going back up to Anderson to visit my best friend and we'll do some more art projects which I'll be able to post here after! we're also going to visit a tattoo shop...for...yessss a tattoo!!!! I have been waiting and waiting for the right time in my life to get a simple, black or white, cross tattoo on my wrist/arm area. and with the changes going on in my life over the next few weeks, it seems to be the PERFECT time to finally do a little something for myself that I have wanted to do. so eeeek! I couldn't be more excited..and nervous at the same time. those pictures will definitely be uploaded here after! and if I know my best friend, she will probably have a video of the entire thing because of my babyish tendencies to pain. it will be interesting for sure. 

a little something going on in my life: CHANGE.
change is always a scary thing but in my morning devotion, I've learned that change is a good thing. we should embrace every second of change. The verse I read has been stuck in my head and I think will stay there every time I doubt anything going on in my life. I keep saying, "Lord, I ask that you open my mind and my heart to do just what you want me to do in all that I do." WHOA. powerful stuff. it is hard to do that! but He also says that when we "cling" to old ways and sameness, we are going against what He wants, we are "resisting" His work within us.

 I've written the following words of encouragemnt on my mirror in my bathroom as a daily reminder when I wake up,
 Open my eyes so I can find all you have prepared for me in this precious day of life.
I say this every morning. This is how I start my morning and I find it helps so much throughout the day. 

hope everyone has a fabulous day! embrace this day and the changes in your life!

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